As today 80% of smartphone users, free your business by migrating in the field of free software.
You will gain freedom (total choice of your tools), security (no more viruses or other backdoors, more robust operating systems, increased rights management, complete parameterization ...), productivity (better use of resources, more robustness, longer life of your computer ...), and you will save money!
aneboost.com supports you in this choice, offers you audits, migration solutions, and training to use your new tools
Operating System
Change to a free and open source operating system.
No more expensive licenses, no more viruses, no workstation crashing or no endless update.
aneboost.com offers you the expertise of a Linux system administrator
Take back control with the undisputed leaders of the server market:
- mail server
- Web server
- database management systems
- Cloud ...
Free Softwares
You probably already use free software (Android, VLC, Firefox ...), although free, they do not suffer from the comparison with their paid equivalents.
Free software solutions exist for almost all issues:
- Office
- Graphics, Video, Sound ...
- Interenet and Communication
- Tools
Business Management
All professional tools for efficient management :
- Paid...